Welcome to Maths!










I am Jackie Madden and I teach mathematics at Maharishi School’s secondary phase.

My background is in scientific quantitative analysis, the display of data and writing reports, in which I worked for over 20 years. I am now in my 6th year as a mathematics teacher and enjoy developing my teaching skills by learning how different students understand and interpret different mathematical topics.

Mathematics is the study of shape, patterns and relationships. We work towards GCSE 1-9 EdExcel mathematics syllabus which all pupils sit in year 11.

From year 7 we build on primary mathematical teaching, adding new layers and incrementally increasing depth in each topic through years 7-10 as well as adding new GCSE topics. In year 9 we begin to introduce some GCSE higher-specific topics, which are taught to all pupils, to encourage all pupils to stretch for higher grades and not exclude late developing pupils from higher exam entry.

As we are a small school we teach all subjects in mixed ability year groups, which is now being encouraged in larger schools as it encourages All children to reach for higher understanding.

We set high standards at our school and I encourage students to take responsibility for their learning. Regular assessment each half term allows both myself and pupils to monitor their progress and make appropriate adjustments to stay on track to achieve the best grade they can.

Mathematics is a basic life skill and the quantitative skills, abstract reasoning and problem-solving taught at Maharishi School provides the basis for success and leadership in a range of careers.

I encourage participation in events such as World Pi Day, UKMT Team Maths Challenges and the University of Liverpool MEM Maths Master Classes along with internal weekly year group maths and problem solving challenges.

The regular practice of TM promotes calmness and clarity of thinking, which have been shown to increase concentration and educational attainment in subjects including mathematics.