Strategic Aims and Objectives 2024 to 2027


Our Vision

Our vision is to prepare every pupil to reach their full potential and attain the knowledge, skills and understanding required for success though our unique system of Consciousness-based Education (CbE). We develop their inner resources through the practice of Word of Wisdom and Transcendental Meditation recognizing that knowledge is structured in consciousness.

CbE is unique to Maharishi School. In addition to the traditional educational emphasis on the ‘known’ (curriculum content) and the ‘process of knowing’ (teaching and learning), central to our educational philosophy is the ‘knower’ (the pupil). By focusing on developing the ‘knower’ through CbE, we tap into our pupils’ potential - rather than trying to cram more and more knowledge into the container, we place emphasis on ‘expanding the container’ to develop creativity and intelligence within each individual.


Strategic Aims

We aim to:

  • Support our pupils’ developing consciousness by pupils and staff practising Transcendental Meditation or Word of Wisdom and by following the approach and principles of Consciousness-based Education.
  • Cultivate receptivity in students through the development of effective, supportive, and positive relationships between teacher and student.
  • Enliven intelligence and its application by: 
    • linking inner values with outer values in the pursuit of knowledge for a purpose
    • developing each student’s ability to discern finer and finer parts in the context of bigger and bigger wholes 
    • helping pupils to look for and recognise universal patterns
    • adapting teaching to take account of the individual character of each pupil’s own intelligence.
  • Enliven, structure and organise knowledge by: 
    • teaching knowledge in the context of human purpose
    • developing knowledge holistically by connecting everything that is taught to the self of each pupil.
  • Enliven, extend and deepen experience by:
    • integrating knowledge with experience in furtherance of the development of deeper and more complete knowledge
    • extending each pupil’s own experience in relation to knowledge taught and in conformity with their own nature through appropriate applications and practical work
    • involving all the senses and organs of action in constructing learning experiences – where safe and practical.
  • Enliven and enhance expression through: 
    • encouraging pupil expression at the start of each learning cycle to stimulate the desire for growth
    • consolidating learning through the expression of knowledge and skill 
    • encouraging the expression of fullness of life, through a wide range of expressive modes.
  • Promote a growth mindset approach to learning within a safe environment where mistakes are promoted as learning opportunities and pupils are encouraged to support one another through their learning journey.
  • Provide equal opportunities for all pupils.
  • Keep all pupils safe from physical and emotional harm.
  • Provide a broad, balanced and rich curriculum that prepares pupils for modern life.
  • Embrace the community and make parents part of our success.
  • Create a friendly, happy atmosphere where good behaviour is the norm, children are happy and fulfilled, and attitudes to learning are positive. 
  • Achieve the best outcomes for all.


Three-year Strategic Objectives

1. Develop and Fully Embed Consciousness-based Life Skills (CbLS) Across All Year Groups (MI)


  • Timing of roll-out: Timetable of roll-out across year groups achieved
  • Feedback: Student feedback on CbLS is positive
  • Assessment Results: Student assessments related to life skills are positive
  • Integration: CbLS themes are integrated within the curriculum

2. Increase the Number of Pupils Regularly Doing WoW or TM Both Within and Outside School (MI/LE)


  • In-school participation Rates: Percentage of students actively participating in WoW or TM regularly in school increases
  • Survey Results: Student surveys indicating regular practice of WoW or TM out of school increases

3. Increase the Number of Parents Learning and Practising TM (MI/LE)


  • Parent Participation Rates: Number and percentage of parents learning TM increases
  • Survey Results: Percentage of parents regularly practising TM as reported through surveys increases

4. Ensure the School is Highly Regarded by Ofsted and Other Institutions It Engages With (LE)


  • Ofsted Ratings:  Ofsted inspection ratings are at least good
  • Inspection Feedback: Specific feedback points and commendations from Ofsted and other institutions are positive
  • Stakeholder Surveys: Positive feedback from surveys conducted with stakeholders (parents, students, staff)

5. Continually Improve the Attendance of Pupils (LE)


  • Attendance Rates: Overall average daily attendance rates improve
  • Persistent Absenteeism: Percentage of students with persistent absenteeism reduces
  • Punctuality Rates: Rates of on-time arrivals improve
  • Intervention Effectiveness: Impact of attendance interventions is positive

6. Maintain Non-Negative Progress Scores (Within Confidence Interval Boundaries) at Both KS2 and KS4 and Improve on Them Year on Year (LE)


  • Progress Scores: Progress scores for KS2 and KS4 are non-negative within CI boundaries and improve
  • Intervention Success: Effectiveness of academic interventions aimed at improving progress scores

7. Secure Additional Playground Space at the Secondary Site (LE/PMg/IB)


  • Funding: Additional playground space funds secured
  • Space Acquisition: Additional playground space created 

8. Secure Funding for Additional Learning and Administrative Space for the Secondary Phase (LE/PMg/IB)


  • Funding: Funding for additional building secured
  • Building Acquisition: Plans for new building fully developed

9. Market the School Effectively to Maximise Pupil Roll (LE/PMg)


  • Enrolment Numbers: Total number of students enrolled increases and is then maintained
  • Application Rates: Number of applications received per year increases
  • Marketing Campaign Reach: Engagement metrics for marketing campaigns (e.g., social media interactions, website visits) and open days are good

10. Continue to Secure Financial Sustainability and Value for Money (PMg)


  • Budget Adherence: Percentage adherence to the planned budget is high
  • Revenue Streams: Diversity and growth of revenue streams (e.g., grants, donations, fundraising events)
  • Cost Efficiency: Cost savings achieved through efficient resource management
  • Financial Reserves: Maintenance or growth of financial reserves
  • Audit Results: Positive outcomes from financial audits and evaluations