Our Staff
Senior Leadership Team

Lisa Edwards
Overall responsibility for the whole school. Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Lisa Walters
Deputy Head -Secondary Phase
Whole School SENCo & Lead DSL, responsible for the day-to-day management of the secondary phase.

Mareanna Ingram
Consciousness-based Education lead
Responsible for the development and delivery of the school's CbE curriculum. Mareanna also teaches KS3-4 geography and is the Duke of Edinburgh lead along with the Dungeon and Dragons games master

Laura Gaskell
Deputy Head - Primary phase
Responsible for curriculum development in the primary phase, assistant SENCO and a member of the DSL team. Laura also teaches Year 5.

Paul Magee
Business Manager
Responsible for the school's finances, secretary to the governing body along with the overall responsibility of the school estate, maintenance and human resources
Primary phase teachers

Amanda Laycock
Reception Teacher
EYFS & Outdoor Learning Lead

Nicola Jones
Year 1
Opal teacher lead, science and PSHE subject lead

Shauna Lunn
Yr 2
English subject lead

Lisa Lymath
Yr 3
Geography subject lead

Elisabeth Greenall
Yr 3 and Yr 6 Teacher
Music Subject Lead

Allan Lowrie
Yr 4
PE subject lead and computing subject lead

Laura Gaskell
Yr 5 teacher - deputy head
A member of the DSL team and maths subject lead

Jen Moss
Yr 6 teacher
History subject lead

Elisabeth Cleary
PPA teacher
Art subject lead

Stephanie Painter-Chapman
PPA teacher, art and CbIDS teacher
Teaching Consciousness-based Education in the primary school and RE Lead

Teresa Franco
Spanish teacher
Teaches Spanish from Reception - Y6

Jan Jones
English specialist

School Dog
Comes to work with Mr Lowrie
Secondary phase teachers

Emma Steele
KS3 - 4 English teacher
English teacher

Audrey O'Neill
KS3 & 4 History teacher & Whole School Attendance Officer
Audrey is a Designated Safeguarding Person leading on Prevent, she also is the teacher representative on the Governing body

Mareanna Ingram
KS3 & 4 Geography teacher
Y10 - Y11 CbIDS teacher (Consciousness-based Interdisciplinary Studies). Y10 - Y11 PSHE teacher

Jacqueline Madden
KS4 Maths teacher

Teresa Franco
KS3 & 4 Spanish teacher & KS3 Music teacher

Elisabeth Cleary
KS3 & 4 Art teacher and KS3 DT Teacher

Jane Symth
KS3 - Science Teacher
Ramon Artelo Garcia
KS3 Maths Teacher & KS3-KS4 Computing Teacher
Toby Mercer
Y7 Consciousness-based Life Skills Teacher
Teaching Support - Primary phase

Ceri Day
KS2 Learning Support Assistant & OPAL play coordinator
Ceri teaches Science to KS2 pupils along with leading Drawing & Talking Therapy and social groups.

Laura Boagey
Reception Learning Support Assistant

Rhoda Newton
KS2 Learning Support Assistant and phonics champion

Sharon Palmer
KS 2 Learning Support Assistant and phonics champion

Bell Irving
KS1 Learning Support Assistant & KS2 Maths Learning Support Assistant

Sarah Singleton
KS2 Learning Support Assistant

Christine Riaz
KS2 Learning Support Assistant

Christine Schofield
KS2 Learning Support Assistant

Charmaine Fuller
KS2 SEN support Team

Jennifer Roberts
KS1 Learning Support Assistant
Mihaela Placinta
KS2 SEND Support Team
Teaching Support - Secondary phase

Christine Schofield
Secondary 1-1 support

Melissa Schofield
Secondary 1:1 support

Patricia Kelly
English Learning Support Assistant
Business and School Support

Fiona Casey
Assistant Business Manager

Marie Armstrong
Finance Officer

Tanya Rawstorne
Business Support and Communications Officer
Based at the primary phase

Jayne Hales
Family Support Worker
Jayne supports our children and their families.
Kevin Mulhall
Site Supervisor

Audrey O'Neil
Attendance Officer
As part of Audrey's role, she oversees pupil attendance.
Helen Melling
Business Support Officer
Examinations and Date
Helen is based in our Secondary Phase
Play Team Worker

Patrica Kelly
Out of Hours Club Lead

Kath Duke
Play Team Worker and Out of Hours Club

Amber Melham
Play Team Worker

Katie Langford
Play Team Worker and Out of Hours Club

Sarah Corringan
Play Team Worker

Natalia Gadsby
Play Team Worker

Elaine Blackledge
Play Team Worker

Enett Rhymer
Play Team Worker
Heather Denton
Play Team Worker
TM teachers and Consultants

Janet Ayliffe
TM Teacher
Janet visits the pupils every term to undertake Word of Wisdom and TM checks. She also teaches TM to our parents and staff at the Dome.

Will Ayliffe
TM Teacher
Will visits the pupils every term to undertake Word of Wisdom and TM checks. He also teaches TM to our parents and staff at the Dome.