Welcome to the Maharishi PTFA 

In this section you will everything you need to know about the PTA including:

  • Details of our Constitution
  • What the PTFA do
  • Who the Committee Members are
  • Events we have planned
  • How you can help your PTFA
  • Meeting information
  • How to contact the PTFA

Please look through these PTFA these pages to find out more and see how you can get involved.


PTFA Details

As a parent of a child at Maharishi Primary and Secondary School you are automatically a member of the PTFA and as such you can attend meetings, vote on proposals and make suggestions for spending or raising funds.  We welcome new members and fresh ideas, we value your views so please try and attend the meetings if you can.

  • PTFA Constitution
  • Privacy notice (how we use parent and pupil data)
  • Data Protection Policy.docx

The PTFA members are listed on the Contact page of the PTFA section

PTFA constitution documents

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We raise money to spend on improving equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities in the school in general.  We promote closer links between home and school and we bring staff, parents, pupils and friends together in support of our

How can you get involved? 

There are many ways you can help and support your child through the PTFA.   Here are some ways you can get involved:


  • Offers of help before, after or at events are so valuable.  It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, the PTFA welcome any support it receives.
  • You can attend the AGM or meetings to give us ideas for fundraising events. 
  • If you don’t have the time to help at events then your enthusiasm for what the PTFA are doing is really beneficial so please try to support the events.
  • You can volunteer to be a PTFA Class Rep (CR) or a Committee member, come along to meetings to find out more. 
  • If you have any contacts or skills we could use then this could be beneficial, please come along to a meeting or contact a member of the PTFA to discuss ways this could be of use. 
  • If you have suggestions on what money could be spent on we’d be interested to hear your ideas.

Please look through these PTFA web pages to find out more and see how you can get involved.

PTFA Presentation

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You can contact the PTFA Committee Members by emailing maharishischoolptfa@gmail.com or individually using their role email as below:


Chair  - Lisa Smith  - Lisa Smith

Vice Chair -  Rachel Hobson -  Rachel Hobson



Secretary - Jenny Garrity-Searle -  Jenny Garrity Searle



Treasurer - Keith Garrity - Keith Garrity

Copies of the minutes following the PTFA Committee Meetings can be found below.

Academic Year 24/25

  • 19th September 2024

Academic Year 23/24

  • 30th August 2024
  • 12th June 2024
  • 6th June 2024
  • 4th June 2024
  • 30th May 2024

PTFA - Meeting minutes

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The PTFA aim to keep parents informed with what’s been going on and what we’ve got coming up via regular newsletters.  We usually issue monthly newsletters with an extra one ahead of our largest fundraising periods which are Christmas and Summer.  We urge parents to read all PTFA communications so that you don’t miss out on something important. 

Newsletters are emailed to all families from the school office and placed on the notice boards outside both Primary and secondary school sites.  Copies all all communications are found below:

6/09/2024 - Welcome back to school Letter

6/09/2024 – Easy fundraising Letter

6/09/2024 – School Lottery Letter

19/08/2024 – Classlists Introduction Letter


  • September 2024

PTFA Communications

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PTFA meetings are held at the Secondary Phase

Time: 4.15PM -5.30PM


  • Thursday October 10th 2024
  • Thursday November 14th 2024
  • Thursday December 5th 2024
  • Thursday January 16th 2025
  • Thursday February 6th 2025
  • Thursday March 6th 2025
  • Thursday April 3rd 2025
  • Thursday May 15th 2025
  • Thursday June 26th 2025 (AGM)

Requesting Funds

As a committee we have discussed the fairest way of allocating funds raised by our PTFA. The result of our discussions is the creation of a funds request form (see below) for you to complete with details of your request. We have tried to keep the form as simple as possible as to not add any unnecessary administration or eat into your valuable time.

Once you have completed a request form, submit it to the PTFA committee via the head teacher who will pre-approve your request. As a committee we will discuss and decide upon which requests we can honour bearing in mind the amount of money being requested and the number of requests we have received. An electronic copy of the request form will be available on the PTFA section of the school website for you to download and complete as well.

This system aims to provide everybody with a fair chance to access our funds and ensure that we do not simply operate under a first come first served basis. 

Please feel free to come and speak to me or the committee if you have any questions or queries about this process.


Lisa Smith
Chair PTFA
Lisa Smith - email

Requesting funds from the PTFA

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Copies of the Treasurer’s Reports presented at the PTFA Committee Meetings can be found below.

PTFA Documents and Policies

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